Page 9 - Cafe Volume 1 - e-magzine
P. 9
for both occupy the same magnitude. “I am a universe of atoms, an atom
Empty is the safe where you gather, in the universe”
and hoard valuables in the night. Till To say it plainly, for me, a minutia
you fill it to the brim and then sleep on God’s canvas, white and black occupy
soundly. Content that you did good. a major percentage of everything I can
Full it is when you rummage in the comprehend. And so to talk of the rest
safe at dawn and relish the fare. Ready of the canvas, vast and endless, I am not
to do it all over again when night has sure. My white and black on his canvas,
taken over and the safe is empty. is a detail too tiny to see. Though the
You might tell me to pause, step rest might be white and black too,
back, bring up what I said at the start unknown, unrelated & distant. And not
and throw it at my face, “white is empty, important, when I am a plethora of so
just like black is empty” you said, and much more.
then ask me to illustrate what I said But you wouldn’t know.
earlier. Richard P. Feynman said,
( Your greed will kill the rest
of us.
Arya Nuh