Page 8 - Cafe Volume 1 - e-magzine
P. 8


                                           Black & White

              White for me is empty. Just like black               Like yin & yang, both encompassing
          is  empty.  For me  both  are  the  same.            everything, each  other  too, yet  none

          They are two sides  of the same coin,                existing  without  the  other. I’d say  the
          similar       albeit                                                             camaraderie be-

          differ-ent only in                                                               tween the two is
          their    contours.                                                               in perfect sync.

          The  contours, a                                                                      Wouldn’t
          facade for both.                                                                 you agree?

          Veils,      behind                                                                    I say white is
          which  the same                                                                  holy. I also  say

          cold hard copper                                                                 black is the  sky
          resides.                                                                         where  heavens

              Pass  a  straw                                                               sit. If you were
          through          the                                                             to    blend      the

          coin & it’ll pass                                                                universe in a
          through        both                                                              gargantuan

          black, and white. Drop the coin & both               electric blender, I think the odds would
          will fall together. But bend the  coin               favor an absolute gray colored mocktail.

          and  you’ll  beg  to  differ.  One  is  bent,            When Isaac Newton, fiddling with a
          the  other  is  too  but  in the  opposite           prism, broke white into a seven colored

          direction. “They aren’t the  same”,                  continuous rainbow,  oblivious to him,
          you’ll say. Stop. Do it again, the other             solved  one  of  nature’s riddles.  What

          way round this time now. Do you see?                 we see is everything on that spectrum.
          the side now unbent isn’t any different              Everything except black. Black, call it a

          than its comrade previously.                         free bird, unbound, is as empty as white
              But you don’t.                                   is full. Don’t loathe the dissipation here,
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