Page 13 - Cafe Volume 1 - e-magzine
P. 13



              She stood at the edge of the cliff. She          giving in to that fear, and she promised
          gazed down at the abyss, marveling at                herself  to never give in  to fear again.

          how all      the paths she had trodden in life       Bravery and kindness. That is what she
          had to somehow converge to this point.               chose, and that is what she will always

          She questioned herself. Repeatedly.                  choose. She stood there at the edge of
          Was this really what her life had come               the cliff, and she took a step back, then

          to? Was this it? She stood  there, just              she  took another step back.  Then she
          about  to  make the  fall, weighed  down             turned around, reclaiming all the peace

          by fear, expectations, crushed dreams,               that had left her soul, she thanked God
          broken hopes, shattered spirit, battered             for this beautiful life and she let go of

          soul. It was fear. It was fear that had              all the things that disrupted the peace
          crushed her so bad. Fear of things she               of her mind and soul. She let go of all

          understood  and the  things  she  didn’t,            the things that didn’t resonate with
          which were far too many to be penned                 who  she  was  as a person. And then

          down by a mortal. She stood there, just              she  ran;  she  ran  with  all  the  might  of
          on the brink of collapse. Just about to              the  lioness  within her. And she  never

          dive. Just about about to fall. Just about           looked back. She knew that she would
          to let go of everything she was. Just                be recalling all of it, ages  and ages

          about to become a stranger to herself.               hence. She might even laugh  about  it,
          And she snapped.  Sleepwalking  was                  the way she does with everything in life.

          what had brought her to the edge of the              She would eventually learn to humour
          cliff, and now she was wide awake after              her pain,  the way she always did. But

          such  a long  time.  It  was  time  for  the         she  was grateful  for being  pushed  to
          lioness inside her to roar, and roar like            the  edge  of  the  cliff  because  now  she

          no one had ever seen or heard before.                knew one thing for sure: that lioness
          Now that she was wide awake, she took                inside her would always save her. That

          a long, deep  breath  at  the  edge  of  the         lioness would  never be silenced.  And
          cliff and stood there for a brief moment             that lioness was the truest  version of

          taking in everything she was and is. She             herself. And with that thought  in her
          smiled at what this world is capable of              mind, gratitude in her heart and peace

          sometimes  doing  to  people  who  give              in her soul, she fell in love with herself
          in to  fear, and she  forgave  herself  for          all over again.
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