Page 18 - Cafe Volume 1 - e-magzine
P. 18



              You fall into the miasma of                          Time folds  into itself,  collapsing

          exhaustion  and it  shatters.  Shatters              like the matchstick house I  feel  like
          into a thousand specks of nothingness.               sometimes. It’s  all moving  too fast

              I feel as if my bed is pushing me out,           - it’s not moving fast  enough.  Am I
          as if I’m somehow trapped being a wall               worried about tomorrow today or today

          made of latex or bubble gum or  both.                tomorrow? The world is too fast and too
          Bubble gum because it is coloured hot                slow at the same time and I don’t know

          pink. Hot pink and red. Alarms going                 how make it move just right. I want to
          off  in  my  head  at  700  infinities  per          try bringing it to a screeching stop.

          second - when will it rest?                              It’s that word again: screeching.
              ‘Let me sleep,’ I beg my brain, ‘why                 I walk up to it to say hello. It’s has

          must you torture both of us so?’                     long nails and a beak that reminds me
              ‘I  want to melt  into the  mattress             of toucans though I’ve never seen one

          too,’  my brain  replies, ‘but there’s               before.  It wears  a pointed  hat. It is
          something coming.’ ‘What?’ I ask                     sharp. It grabs my hand, tears through

              ‘Tomorrow.  And we are not                       the canvas of this reality and drags me
          prepared’                                            into the  next. It disappears  with  the

              We toss our head angrily at the sheer            smarting of antiseptic seeping  into a
          pretentiousness of our words but there               knife cut.

          are bells in my head that sound like the                 I look around me. I’m on a never-
          screech of nails against blackboard.                 ending  concrete  crossroad which

              The  day  we  were,  we  laughed,  we            seems  to have plants growing on the
          did.                                                 sidewalks  wherever I  look.  The sky is
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