Page 19 - Cafe Volume 1 - e-magzine
P. 19
the pink of sunsets that say goodbye to whole,’ I tell the screech the next time
a difficult day. It tells me to walk home. she sees me. ‘I am a part of a whole.
I thank it for keeping me company as There are
I do so. Someone tears through it with parts within me and parts within
talons long as my forearms. ‘9.5 inches that. I want to know if that ever ends.
exactly,’ I remind myself. I want to know if I’m a never ending
The screech walks up to me, road divisible
cracking up and falling away with each to a never-ending dividend.’
step she takes. There are words rising She shakes her head and tells me I
up from the cracks now, they float up think too much. We close our eyes.
to me, the world nothing but a black When I open them again there is
white screen with the screech beside darkness.
me and the words floating around is. ‘Do you see where I end and you
‘Careful’, she says as I reach towards begin now?’ The screech asks.
them, ‘don’t approach them without a ‘No.’
clear intent if you don’t want them to ‘Do you want to go back to being
lash the speck, again?’
out at you.’ ‘Does it matter? I carried you
‘I have never had a clear intent,’ around stuck in my throat every day.
I reply tiredly, reaching towards the It feels no different.’
letters S-l-e-e-p. That time we were, we laughed, we
The world implodes. A thousand did.
buzzing letters coalesce and then It is all one and all separate, all at
come apart. It is as if a huge mirror is once. The world slows a bit. I can’t hear
repeatedly being shattered into a the rushing of blood in my ears. I miss
million tiny flecks of nothingness. I it.
protect myself and realise that I broke The day we were, we laughed, we
with the world. There are a million did.
pieces of The miasma beckons me deeper to
me and they scatter with the breeze sink a little deeper.
that is supposed to call me home. I-.
That day we were, we laughed, we
I am one spec now, containing all
of what we were inscribed in the dna I
float around with.
‘A piece of something is also one