Page 4 - Cafe Volume 1 - e-magzine
P. 4


          by and we’ve  spun stories and poems                 in our  imagined Karachi,  which in
          and accumulated  our work,  given                    reality doesn’t lend itself to walking or

          the  hours meaning. This is our work                 sidewalks  or  bicycling and especially
          under lockdown, as strangers, together               for women. The house music is always

          helping each other through. In a socially            perfect  and just  exactly  what  we  want
          distanced  time  we’ve  grown close  to              to listen  to in the  moment—anything

          total strangers.  Literature.                        from jazz,  to rap,  to qawwali to blues
              There are four decades  and                      and soul.

          thousands of miles of distance between                   There are of course  lots  of books
          us —but we  bridge the gap with our                  there—and so much more.   Oh,  so

          magic carpet, zoom. And in every case                much more!  It’s our cafe  and it can
          and  in any case literature bridges gaps             be whatever we want it to be. We bend

          and sometimes erases them.                           geography  through  our imaginations
              Every week,  twice  a week, we’ve                and through  zoom to  meet  in this

          fired  up  our  literary  imaginations  and          imagined space and to feel relief in its
          cooked up stories to tell  each other.               cool environment.  We spend  at least

          We’ve kept ourselves optimistic through              half an hour deciding who’s eating what.
          writing creative pieces and reading                  We really feel like we are there. We’ve

          them to our circle.  We’ve escaped our               even managed to jump with fright once
          lockdowns in this way and meeting up                 when  suddenly  one  of  us  jumped  and

          in our cafe.                                         shrieked mid-sentence while discussing
              We’ve imagined  a cafe—three                     Kafka — because  the  cafe  cat rubbed

          stories  high—where  we  meet.  We’ve                against her ankle and she thought it was
          imagined what each floor looks like—It               a rat. We all jumped and then laughed—

          can be anything we want it to be. And it             and that we guess was the point. We’re
          is beautiful.  It is brimming with hope              trying to take care of each other not to

          and humanism.  There’s a vegetable                   pass time but to make it matter. To tell
          and herb garden out back and on the                  the virus, you can’t succeed.  The mind

          roof  top  a  bakery  on  the  ground  floor         and the imagination can never be in a
          where there is a cafe up front. There are            lockdown.

          bookshelves overflowing on the second                    We  hope  you’ll  enjoy  our  first
          floor. Parrots fly in and out of the open            offering—that came about because of an

          windows with the cool fresh sea breeze.              event—that led to events twice a week
          And there is a house cat.                            and actions that bring us joy.  There

              We ask  each other how we  got                   was no café before the virus introduced
          there to the cafe. Did we walk over or               itself,  maybe  it  wouldn’t  have existed

          ride a bike to it?  We can do all this               were  it not for the pandemic. Here it
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